"An Artist Cannot Fail..It Is A Success To Be One."
It was a busy day this past Friday in the Q.C. I was chillin like I always do on Fridays
with hanging out, catching up with crew, and stopping by the Camden block.
This Friday there were a couple of art shows going on Camden and Noda district.
It was a little warm outside and threatening like a downpour was upon us.
Steve, Myself, and Lauren headed to "Outline Happy" at Black Sheep
first to check the homies out.
My Favorite local artist Derek aka ChalkBoard was showing with
Swink, Kyle Black, and Tyler Baum.
Got to excuse the "point & shoot"...maybe soon I get a dope camera.

So after running into the homies at Black Sheep..and it was blazin' inside too.
We rolled out to the Noda side.
Niche Market had a "That's Munny" silent auction art show..
and sick shit was going down.
I think about 30 local artists put it down and a lot of homies were involved.
Hopefully I got all the names in the right spots..if not sorry.
Was hella crowded at times..and hot as hell inside Niche.
BLNGxBDGT on the wheels.

Turbo, Joey, Doug, Radar, Chuckles

Camilla, Adam Huf, A.C.

Me and A.C.

Okay on to the Munnys..

Catherine McEluane

Zack Shuta "Mike Tyson"

Matt Hooker


Kelly Green (I love the message in this one)


Ashley Love

Eric Hurtgen

Bloo Empire

Zach Cayente

Dirty Drummer "J Dilla Tribute" (My Personal Favorite)

Kenny Singleton

Joey Richey

Banks Wilson

Chris Stuart (Chris made a banger)

Amanda Johnson(This one is great too)

Dag "Issac Hayes"



Ryan Hiebendahl

Radar(Kitchworth Sucka!!)

Nat Lancester


Adam "Shit For Brains"

Joey Ellis "Barack Obama"

Paul Barton

Sorry didn't get the names for these two.
They are both dope.

Mike Watson "Mighty Whitey"

Michael Hurst

AJ Salzger

Now It was getting a little hot in the Niche..So Steve and I
decided to break out to the homegirl Moye's Art Show down the street.
Great photographer indeed..my photos give her work no justice.

So after that we walked to the Witzen to see what was there..
didnt know anybody there..but took photos anyways.

There were a ton of Art galleries showing art in Noda but I only stopped off
into these. The gallery Crawl in both spots were fun and it wore my ass
out with the heat inside each spot. On the way back the punk ass train that always stops and stalls in Noda held us up. Steve, myself, and some kinda got fed up..so we hopped through the train and got to the other side. On the way back Powder showed
me his wife got his homie to make this as a anniversary gift.
Kinda "Dave Whiteish" but it was dope.

Okay now Steve and I roll out..dap up and said goodbyes to roll and grab some grub.
And roll to the famous Penguin Grill and ate it Common Market.

Then the rest of night I got my true Hip Hop on at The Graduate on the plaza
Where Fraser aka NinjaScience was spining the gems, played Wii games and called it
a night..I was worn out..till next time.