Well, my crew massive and I are very happy that the CIAA weekend
is over here in the QC.
I hate to diss the NCAA Division II conference of historically African-American institution event.
I always pick one party to go to which this year was
DJ Jazzy Jeff.
I will try to summarize each place I hit, hopefully it's not to long.
Weds, Poplife @ Apostrophe Lounge:
I get to Apostrophe and they have both sides open because of the crowds.
The DJs played the same ol' crap you know Biggie, Mary, Jay, and R Kelly songs..
I was screaming inside.
My friends and people I tolerate showed up to Poplife
so it made it a little better..
but not really.
I got to kick it with my boy John Hairston from GODCITY

As John finished up a girl str8 up asked him to move over from his painting so she can take a photo in front of it. I was like huh??!!
How the hell is she going to ask him to move from his artwork so she can take a photo for a punkass local party website. I did think about pouring a glass of
ginger ale and grenadine I was drinking..
but I was thirsty. John just brushed it off, I guess I shouldn't have tripped either.
Well, I hung out in both sides of the party with friends, laughed at girls
that walked like their feet hurt in the shoes they rocked,
and listened to the songs that were played.
After that, I caught up with Kitch, then I bounced to the crib.
It was pretty wack, glad I got out before I got to irritated.
Thurs, @ PJ's @ Epicenter:
Jimmy and I headed to Soho to eat, after that we headed to Camden to hang for a bit. We kick it and have some laughs for a while at Black Sheep Skateshop and Niche.
Now it's time to run home for a while to shower and change...
now off to PJ's.
No Hookahs, I didn't have Red Velvet cake, I just chilled and listened
to DJ Enlil spin. It was so nice outside at night for the past few days.
It was kind of light at the epicenter because everyone was on the
other end of college street or at the T.I./Jeezy Concert
@ the Bojangles' Coliseum (formerly Cricket Arena) that night.
I wasn't there..no matter..I'll pass.
Friday, HÖM and The Graduate on Central:
DJ Enlil and DJ Justice (The Freshkats)

I got a late start on Friday, Jimmy and I went straight to HÖM for
DJ Enlil and DJ Justice spinning there for the day party.
The both of us get downstairs and it's dope..people were dancing and it was cool.
I left out to use the phone and everybody in the "feast part" trying to be superstars..terrible. People were standing in weird angles like they were in a video orsomeone was about to take their pictures.
My favorite part was when Justice with a crowd of booshie black folks
threw on Pat Benatar "Love Is a Battlefield"!! Everybody was whoa!!HAHAHA
That's what Puffy was talking about "the heart to clear the dance floor"
He didn't clear the floor, but as Justice always does he mixed it with some song I never heard before and continued to kill it. As it winded down we left to get my boy Maji and his girl from the Temple. Later, we all ended up at Alley Cat, were I talked and hung out with my old crew for a second.
I walk inside of Alley Cat and run into my homie from ATL,
DJ Rasta Root.
Rasta Root was opening for DJ Whoo Kid that was spinning later that night at the cat.
We talked about some thing he hooked me up with his latest CD.
We bounced and went to central ave, to get outta downtown.
Funny thing about the Grad on Central..It is were people that still believe in
Hip Hop music. Many gems were thrown on and the dance floor stayed crowded the whole time I was there. Many shades of skin were dancing up a storm and drinking while doing it. Always a good time..yeah DJ Enlil was at the helm again.
Saturday, DJ Jazzy Jeff @ Mez:
I was looking so forward to Saturday, it just didn't come together like I planned.
I get a call from Jimmy about some Lang Van to start the day off right.
Of course I'm down for that..and if he's paying..even better.
We eat, then head to Niche so I can get something from AHuf,
and then I take my ass home to throw on some warmer clothes..it was brick outside.
Fraser was spinning at Fox & Hound Uptown, so we waited for him to get done at 730pm.
We roll out to Mez so I can catch up with Kitch, so Jimmy and Fraser
can scoop a ticket for the event.
Fraser, Jimmy, and myself walk into Mez and just hang for a min or two.
So Kitch finally comes through and he is stressing out. I get my V.I.P. band
from him(I never even went upstairs to VIP)and head back up for the party to begin.
Fraser all of a sudden got hungry and Mez wasn't serving food anymore.
So, we were going to step outside to Wild Wings to grab him so food.
As we found out that we couldn't leave and come back in the party without paying cover. Which I couldnt understand because I was just walked in about 10 mins ago.
Fraser and Jimmy walk back upstairs, but of course I had a plan.
I told him since I had a VIP band, I should be able to walk in and out of Mez.
So I started to go outside, I get stopped by the my promoter friend and he tells me
"Connie is being a bastard, so make it quick maw'fucka."
The Mission:
I hit up wild wings two doors down, and ordered his 9 wings and fries.
The thing is, I had to sneak it back in the club without getting caught.
I asked the girl at the Wild Wings to-go spot if I can get a small container to stash the grub. Fraser's food came in about 10 mins, and two big ass styrofoam containers with the food. So I get a small styrofoam thing and look it's not going to fit all the food inside. Well, I checked to make sure nothing would leak on me if I stash the food on my person. Luckily, I wore a bubble vest and I stashed both styrofoam containers under each arm and zipped the vest up. I also stuck my hands in my pockets in the vest to make the bulge not look so bad. I get to the VIP door, I slide through the door and get stopped. This old dude that worked there runs me down and says to me "hey, there is no re-entry!" I quickly look him dead in the eyes and say "I just talked to the promoter, he said I was good..just hurry back. I turned my back and hit the escalator swiftly before he could say anything.
I get upstairs, find Fraser and he's looking at me like where's his food.
I unzip my vest and pull out from under my arm one box. Fraser tried to eat in the cut with us in front of him. I tell him eat that shit in the stalls because its a door and you can't see who is in there. We head to the mens bathroom,
So I hand him both styrofoam containers with the food so he can eat.
I become the look out for for people coming in...whew!!
I walk out of the mens room while Fraser is eating his food.
Mez's bathroom is nice so it's not a nasty as it sounds.
Well, I get outside and the DJ whomever he was..was pretty damn wack.
Not like your average wack, wickety-wickety wack!! His version of "mixing" was
a damn train wreck with an airplane crashing into it.
Thanks god that opening DJ's set was over..wack
Then, I see Skillz with a mic in his hand come downstairs and stand on a chair.

:Music starts: Skillz Introduces himself and Jazzy Jeff and then the party begins.
I have seen Jazzy Jeff in Atlanta @ Sol-Fusion and in Charlotte @ Amos
and he killed it. In the beginning, he played the same shit the wack DJ just played.
He straight up changed his format for the CIAA crowd, and I wasn't happy.
The same shit happened at the DJ Spinna show,(the same promoter) had him change
up for the crowd. The reason is you gotta "dumb down" the shit because you'll lose those folks..can't go to deep in the crates.
An hour and a half go by, all of a sudden the speaker to the floor goes out.
Straight up baselines booming from the system, then Skillz's mic went hella low.
The whole sound system went to shit real quick. As that went on about 20 mins
before..so Jeff, Skillz, and the sound guy tried to straighten that out.
This is the look on Jimmy and Fraser's faces when they finally cut the music
to fix the problem.

Okay, without the sound being any better the music does come back on.
That would be Mez's problem not Jazzy Jeff, but you couldn't hear over everybody
talking now. Jazzy Jeff played a couple of gems, when the "wifey" song from Next came on I was out the door. Went downstairs and Fraser bought me a cheese pizza
for getting them in for free and we hung out for a while. The Pizza spot got crazy crowded and we left and laughed about me sneaking food in Mez.

Steve, Jimmy, and I all agreed that this CIAA will be the last one we will attend.
I will be either moved out of Charlotte or out of town..I prefer the first one.
One thing I can say is I didn't pay one dime to park or to enter a party.
We got a couple of laughs, and I got to hang out with friends.
I also came to conclusion, that CIAA is not for me.
Jasiatic said it was like a old black folks Freaknik..hahaa.
Jimmy said CIAA stood for Clownies-Ingrates-And-Ashy elbows...haha.
I really dont care about the "stars" that were in town, throwing parties, or just hanging out. I mean who cares..but most do..pretty sad in my eyes.
I mean all the parties are $25-30 bucks but that night, it'll be on
some $80-150 to get in..um are out of the recession?
It's back to normal downtown anyways, and white folks can back uptown now.
Anyways, just an opinion on the my couple of days on the event.
If you liked it..you liked it.
You can have it...thanks..but no thanks.
1 comment:
sounds like i missed nothin except the food sneakin.. :) my first and last c i double aye!
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