Friday, February 22, 2008

Black Sheep SkateShop "SKATE OR DIE" release.

Yes, Charlotte has finally caught on to the sneakergame that cities around the world have doing since..well..well awhile now. I remember back in the day we were skipping school to get the Jordan's back in the late 80's early 90's. Now It's the Nike SB releases I think this is the 3rd installment of campouts for Camden..and we still kind of bug out on it. The first camp out was the "3 Bears"..then "MF DOOM"
now the "skate or die" dunks. Just hard when you waited for hours on hours then your size is gone..that's pretty wack. So Josh called me to come take some photos and check it out. It was such a ugly day cold and rainy but we had some troopers in effect. Make it so bad I guarantee people will call for the next 6 months for these shoes..Johnny Come Latelies. So it was a rough night at the club last night, so I drag myself outta bed, shower, eat, and head to Camden around 10:35am.

This is what is outside..not bad..not bad.. no's skate or die
not pigeon dunks.
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I am greeted by Chase at the door..oh yeah one at a time.
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Chase shows me what everybody has been waiting on..
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Josh and a buyer getting his purchase.
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Nathan I never met b4 was first..dude was in front of BlackSheep.. since 3pm yesterday afternoon..yikes..I talked to him and he was such a great dude to talk to.
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Tony was also a cool man was there at 5pm yesterday afternoon also..troopers congrats to both of ya.
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All in all it was a interesting morning..had a couple of laughs with the boys, some Dunkin' Donuts that Frazier bought for those that camped out. I'm just glad I'm not that way about kicks anymore that I feel I had to camp outside, miss class, or whatever to get a sneaker. Those days are over with for a while..
that's why I'm lucky that I have friends that have the I don't have too.


Ryan The Crate Smith said...

camping three bears: the lows were okay.

camping dooms: understandable cuz a lot of ppl are MF Doom fans.

camping skate or dies: WHY?! they're ugly. I can't see a grown man wearing a sneaker that colorful.

Unknown said...

they only look good on the ladies. people stop me in the street every time i wear them, that or just mean mug me for having them out of the box. i like the blog myk, even the vegas booty shots...

see you soon,