Randy Jackson is the most uncool Brotha on the planet we call Mother Earth. I'm not talking about the Great Jackson 5, brother of Michael Jackson, who also got a couple of those ass whippins from Father Joe Jackson. I am talking about the former Journey bass player from 1983 and 1986, I can care less about him working with Mariah Carey to NSYNC. Now brothas playing in a "white" band is not the reason, hell D.H. Peligro was the second drummer with Dead Kennedys and he was dope as fuck. Now Randy got some new shit?? Oh you haven't heard about America's Best Dance Crew on MTV, so now I gotta flip the channel and see his face more than just American Idol.
My beef with Randy is his over doing of "being down" with who ever he's down with. I mean just the way "Dawg" comes out his mouth just makes me cringe in disgust. Yeah, I'm guilty of watching certain morning talk shows, but I just happened to see him on the tube. Now the rappers on 106 & Park are worse by all means, but dude be yourself..lawd gsus. It's just the hand jesters and all the old slang talk, you don't have to join M.O.P. or USDA to be down. Just straighten up and fly right..and tighten up. I will quote a line from one of the Greatest classic albums of
All-Time "AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted" by Ice Cube....
"No matter how much you wanna switch..here's what they think about you."
shit he paid, and seems to be a nice guy, yeah corny, but at least he's positive.
lol...hilarious i just had that conversation recently. hes still figuring himself out and trying to catch up with the times-so hes pretty busy these days. lol@ryans...but at least hes positive.
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