Sunday evening, I get this text from Mr. Ryan to check out a blog site called G.S.GUCCILIFE. So I go to the site...and see this photo of me from the Street Local404 blog post from last month. The Blog says about how cool the tee also kinda made my day a little. G.S.GUCCILIFE aka Gruppo Sportivo Guccilife is a Florence based bike/graffiti crew outta Italy...did a little research. It's pretty sweet we got some love in Italy..yeah pretty dope. The GS Guccilife Link above has the entry of my photo.
Hen, I told you all during the match how dope Fernando Torres was. I also told you he was going to get in Germany's ass..dude is so ill on the Liverpool squad..I love Michael Ballack because he plays for Chelesa..but naw..Germany lost..told ya.
Just wanted to say DJ for V-103 in Atlanta, Georgia Greg Street rocks Estate LA. One of the biggest names in Atlanta, fellow Street Local, and his Sneaker Collection..good lawd. He actually has a mixtape download for can download it here on Standard ATL Blog
Yes that is a piece of Ol' Dirty's "Baby C'mon".. that is one of the things I thought of when I saw these decks by DGK. Mark in Black Sheep Skateshop had shown me them a couple of days ago. They are pretty gangsta if you ask me. I can remember when the uproar of Natas because of his name(spelled backwards is Satan, Guy Mariano "High Guy", Rudy Johnson "Rear end Rudy", Henry Sanchez "Horny Henry", Jordan Richter Jerkin’ Jordan, Randy Colvin "censorship", and the most offensive Guy Mariano "accidental gun death"(one of my favorites). Those are just the ones off the top of my head. The Dirty Ghetto Kids decks are cool..If you collect decks and put them up on your wall..yeah they are sweet. I'm glad they come in black plastic wrap and not just hanging out on a wall in a shop. Because I know if a "skate mom" sees the decks by DGK..while she is buying a new'll be hell to pay. I'm glad Heno will get them and have them on his wall..dope. Now by looking at the photo up top..if these photos will offend you don't click the link..I don't want any crazy I didn't warn you. Anyways enough talking ..check them out HERE
I first heard this song on AC's myspace page.. then it went Radar's then to Blu Mag's page.. and so and so on.. I heard it in Hen's car yesterday.. 99.99999% of the time.. I don't fuck with Hipster shit.. I don't listen to anything like this.. but it's kinda grown on me.
Toll Bridges in the Northeast are wack. This is the BMore one, $2 coming in and leaving out. But going to NYC has way more..and cost way more too. If they make them in the'll suck.
I was up early one Saturday morning, I grabbed a bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats and watched some TV. I came to realize that Saturday morning cartoons kinda really they suck for real. The new Spiderman and Batman are dope still..the classics no matter how you do them.. they are pretty alright. I flipped channel after channel until like 12pm and didn't see anything worth wild to watch. I thought about the time when cartoons were good, I mean when I could watch them for hours on end. Now you know the best, Transformers, G.I. Joe, Thundercats, He-Man, Go-Bots, Monchhichis, Hanna-Barbera, and others I can't think of right now. Yeah the "old school cartoons" that the toys are worth a lot of money if in pretty good shape.
I asked my best friend Donald (that I've known since forever) to see if he remembers the cartoons back then. Donald does remember the toys but not the toons, he has a bad memory now I guess. The cartoons on adult swim are okay.. Well I only watch Boondocks anyways. Aqua Teen Hunger Force is so fucking insane now..good lawd. Not a fan of Family Guy(sorry Chase), I haven't watched The Simpsons in years, and my attention span for Anime is not what it use to be. I put together a couple of cartoons that I watched coming up in California that I know you forgot about. Some of you might be way to young to maybe even remember these joints. I would think you have to be at least over 26 years of age to at least know these cartoons. If you are younger than that and have no clue..oh well..check it out might learn something.
Kid N' Play
Police Academy (The FatBoys Intro)
Mr. T (which was 1983)
Jem! and the Holograms ( I know I'm going to catch it for this one my sister watched this one...really.
OK maybe a few.. I caught wind of him making pieces with Louie V.. um I think this has been going on like 2 years now. He's steez is not all that special anyways..whatever..get money.. He just looks extra wack in the commerical.
I came across this strip on Oh Word while reading an article about how hipster rap and the artists are wack as hell.. And for those who follow know who you are. Its always good to have the Wu to put things back in perspective.
While most were watching the first half of the NBA Finals.. I admire these individuals with the payoff of all their hard work to perfect their craft to get to this level and to gain Honor and Achievements.
I missed the first half..because I was doing the same thing a different way. Honor and Achievements..soon.
In late 2005 Ghostface Killa and MF DOOM were both recording over tracks from J Dilla's instrumental opus, Donuts, which saw release the following February. Some of these were released on Ghostface's Fishscale in 2006, while others, including a Dilla-Doom project, were postponed indefinitely after J Dilla's passing. Two of these tracks, “Sniperlite” and “Murder Goons,” will be released digitally, exclusively through Stones Throw's webstore, due to launch in late June.
Damn 3G iPhone..That's some bullshit..damn I got got jacked.. oh well July 11th it has also has improved battery life with 300 hours of standby, 8-10 hours of 2G talk, 5 hours of 3G talk, 7 hours of video, and 24 hours of audio. It will also come with GPS, so you know where you are all the time.
8GB is available for $199 and 16GB will come in white for $299.
Wii Spray Can Prototype The spray can design is part of Martin Lihs’ final thesis at Bauhaus-University in Weimar, Germany. Dismantling the guts of a Wii Remote, Mr. Lihs placed them inside a cylinder, which he designed to mimic a spray can, and topped it with what appears to be a German Grey Dot thin cap. The Wii Remote techology has been modified to connect to buttons along the outside walls of the “can,” and more importantly, to the spray nozzle, thus allowing the user to control an onscreen virtual can of paint.
Yeah that's Ryan's feet right there on Hypebeast. Photo taken by Decatur Dan That's Street Local All Day Everyday! Click to read the entry at Hypebeast
The past couple of days, the first wave of humidity is breaking folks off in the Q.C. So I wanted to grab some tees to hold me down for about a I ran to the Mills and scooped up some blanks.was kind of pissed off..I keep getting a flash back from the movie "Falling Down" with Michael Douglas(you got to watch it to understand). I honestly tried to get a couple of white tees..not happening at all..because I'll get them dirty to fast.. so I purchased black tees instead. Anyways, got up with the Boy Krew at ChessyCake (Chessecake Factory) to have a late lunch and have a few laughs. It was blazing outside, so we decided to kick it inside where it was nice and cool. After the eats, we head up to BlackSheep SkateShop to check out Jason Hanna and my man John Hairston Jr's artshow called "Fantastic Damage". It was a pretty good turnout my BlackSheep heads, Camden heads, and Alley Cat folks stopped through. I couldn't stay long because it was getting close to me getting to work, so I snapped a couple of photos for you. I apologize for using my iphone instead of my the photos give the art no justice of how awesome everything looked.
All images, unless otherwise noted, were taken from the Internet and are assumed to be in the public domain. In the event that there is still a problem or error with copyrighted material, the break of the copyright is unintentional and noncommercial and the material will be removed immediately upon presented proof.