Hell, two of them didn't know who I was at first.
It was cool rolling up to "The Avenue" Jamaica Ave for a few minutes.

It was raining when I left Maryland, and a little drizzle in NYC. So, I wore my New Balance Goretex again to keep the feet nice and dry. I noticed when walking around on the Ave, everybody was looking at my feet like..damn them shits is bright.

Some random girl and her friend ask me if I was having problems seeing my feet.I laughed it off, that was a pretty good one though. The Next morning, I drive from Queens to Manhattan, not the best idea..even at 10:30 am. The traffic was stupid, straight up gangsta. With Hen on the phone, Hen got me to The West Village with no problem. After a 15 min drive around to find a parking spot, I just went in a parking deck. And after 2 hours and 30 bucks later I finally found a spot by NYU for the whole weekend.

So after a quick bite to eat. Unfortunately, we left so fast I forgot my camera. We end up hopping on the Subway to the garment district to the check out the showroom of the 4 Stroke Denim brand. I had photos of the showroom, but they are changing things around soon, I 'd rather show you the new showroom,
not the old one..cuz I'll be back there really soon.

Then after we bounce back to the crib to hang out with some real cool folks at a local bar. One thing I will say everybody I met in NYC that night with was cool as hell. Sorry, no photos from that night.
Okay next day was shopping and festival day for me and Hen. We were all over the place, I just kinda forgot to take photos of the spots, I just got caught up in rollin so how. I mean from the Adidas Store, The Nike store on 21 Mercer, Nom de Guerre, Alife Rivington, Invisible Man. I forget the homie at Coat Of Arms, but he was real cool. I scooped a Powell Perelta Ray Barbee long sleeve tee.
The good thing about that day, was when I hit up Supreme on that day.
The thing about Supreme is that they are assholes.
Well the Supreme LA they are the worst.
They won't even help your ass,
act like your not even in the store..those that no can co-sign.
But Supreme NYC was different this go-around,
the manager Kyle helped me out and was mad cool.
DQM not so much..no matter. Supreme was cool...and that's all that matters to me.

In between the rollin' in the streets of NYC, Hen and I hit up the San Gennaro Festival in Little Italy. We almost went through it Friday night but it was crazy hectic. I wanted to get something to eat but there were so many choices,
I didn't get anything. It was meat, desserts, wine..it was nuts.
Then the warm sun was not helping but It was cool. We just kinda stomped through it.

Now this was some creepy shit Hen talked me into here.
Some weird Snake Girl shit.
Hen pays a $1 for Him and myself. Hen goes up there and he got creeped out.
I go up there and I look and it's like kinda dark view.
I can see where like its a round dog beds. You can see like the snake coil,
then you see this ladies' head slowly start to rise with her eyes closed.
Then, all of a sudden she opens her eyes like really bright.
Honestly I didn't even get that far, soon as she started raising her head..I broke out.lol Hen at least stayed for a minute. I didn't get that far.

Okay, we get out of that hectic festival, then go down the infamous Canal Street just to get to where we are going.
I mean there was some mad hustlin' going down.
I didn't really see any fakes Gucci bags.
I just seen people standing on the corner with lists and pictures of products being showed to women of all ages as I walked down the street.

We went to another bar, linked up with the two of Hen's friends.
How need they're own show..seriously. Hung out for a few linked up with the formally of the QC Englishman Doug. Went back and hung out later that night. For Tob's birthday. We stomped a few spots. I was so worn out I couldn't stay out super late. I had a good time in NYC straight up. I can't wait to go back. I'll make sure I take more photos. I didn't want to look like a tourist or something.
Till next time.

you turned away too soon, did she look like that chick behind the screen in Golden Child
I ran son..no time to look. lol
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