I kinda erased the photos of us at Rama 5,
it was the first time for Dom and Five.
They enjoyed it and everything was straight. Now we head back to the rooms and get ready to ready to be picked up with Five to head to Opera.
So, after about a hour and a half we meet Five and his hotel around the corner.
Now, DJ Five has told me he usually got picked up in town car or an escalade.
Not this time the driver picked us up in a old school Trans Am.
The best thing that it was the three of us, and there was no front seat.
It was funny, even though I was on the hump, I was hurting for a minute though.

Well, I guess I can say the club was cool. It's an old Opera house turned into a club.
It's pretty crazy. there where alot of girls, I mean alot. DJ Five did his thing. He even kept it thoro for me by playing "live at BBQ" and alot of "Head Shit" for me.
Also the biggest DJ booth I've even been in. Well just check the photos.

After, the great time at Opera. We hit the Midtown Diner. A Greek eat/club spot that was still going at 4am when we got there. Sunday, you know I don't eat shit like this.
Dom had to go to The Varsity to eat, so I got the chicken and a fried pie..
I just paid for it later.

That's most likely be the last time I eat there. Anyways, I'll be back in the A real soon, Like next weekend. can't wait. Up here the cold is mos def coming around. Atl was good this trip also...Can't wait for the next one.
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