Since the world of Street Culture is changing as we speak. My fellow Street Local Mr. Acker put a bug in my ear or in terms get his take on things and whats going on with the Industry. How "Street" is now changing and the words from Ryan, "street isn't street anymore, street is on urban outfitters shelves now." Then I started thinking about the state of Street culture today. I wanted to see another take from like "urbanwear" to "streetwear" to how urbanwear has fell off the map...to see if street was going to do the same. So I pulled up an old interview from Adrian with almost 20 years in the making, Canada's Too Black Guys has been consistently dropping smart designs. Each season incorporates a new theme and logo. The 2008 Summer Jim Crowe Couture collection has several racially themed undertones offering both serious and more light hearted connotations in some smart aesthetics.
Please read oh yeah bookmark Inquiringmind Magazine it's one of my favorite site's to read..and the beats on the site is also a treat.
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