I didn't mind the Fall/Winter season this year because, it was mild to say the less. The weather was cool, because in Maryland shit was crazy. I was doing something I haven't done in a long time when it comes to wearing my footwear. I have been only wearing a few shoes this season, sometimes even for days at a time. That whole wearing shoes a few times and never wearing them again is an issue with me. It's an issue than I choose not to deal with right now. I wear shoes until they break in then I don't wear them for a period of time. The shoes I skate in are treated the same way. I like the Zoom Tres,. even if you break them in they still hold up. I believe the first step is admitting the problem. It's my vice, I don't drink, smoke, drugs, or anything worse. I'm ready to put these shoes up so I can break out the spring ones on deck. So, I'll be on the block soon in the Sheep or Niche looking to add to the closets.
I will be wearing these in LA later this month. Awaiting Spring.
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to know a man.. just look at his shoe game. ;) hehehe.. i digs the collection.
Thank You Maam. ;-)
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