Got some news yesterday about a certain store catching wind of my comments about them in the past. My views have not changed..the only reason I took the post down because a friend asked me too. But now I don't care anymore!!! I will not change!! I will not stop expressing my views on my blog..that's what it is for. DANGER MEANS NOTHING...it's no hidden message in that title..it is what it is. My thoughts, views, family, krew, events that surround my life, and what I'm hyped on. I don't write for anyone else but myself and that's that. Not only I write the words you can step to me in person nothin will change, and you all know that. I don't hide behind D.M.N. that's how I roll. So It's nothing else.. since you marks read my blog..I still won't step foot in you marks store for no reason. Business or no business..them tactics was foul that's that. I even seen your bustas in Vegas@Magic. I asked one question trying to be easy and It was way to much Hollywood fronting cuz you was there with another brand that shoes suck. Then I got into it and flashed my badge and what name was on it..and said I won. Punks had no reply and then I stepped off. Again your wack ass crew..so yeah dude..Regardless who I say I rep..I represent myself to the fullest all day..with the heart of a lion with or without the iron.
P.S. I changed that Image for You...I added a logo and some color.
yo i feel you on this! i catch flack from mad people about my post but i always tell em that im fuckin grown. i do what the hell i want to do, especially when it comes from some young-ass herb tht don't know shit. keep doin what you're doin homie. people know damn well what they're getting into with our blogs...no mercy lol!
lol, i see that the ones are feeling you stepping on their toes. and that pinky toe crunch dont feel to well. guess they didnt understand the name......
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