Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Homey D. Clown


I actually have a unfinished entry saved that had to do with my attitude. Well, It was more of people that know and those that don't me..forever people have been asking me "whats wrong?", "why you look so mad?","Myk hates me!".So I started thinking of why people think that way..then I didn't give a shit..but I'll save the attitude entry for next go around. So then I started thinking about my two favorite characters on TV with bad attitudes per say. One of them was Mr. T as B.A. Baracus on The A-team and the other was my dawg Damon Wayans as Homey D. Clown. Homey was my myspace photo when I first got on b4 I had a camera shot of my real face. Now everybody watched In Living Color..if you didn't well whatever. Homey D. Clown real name Herman Simpson was like this an ex-con who works as a clown for his parole agreement, was like fulling in for teachers, circus clown, and Santa Claus. The best thing about homie he didn't put up with shit. That sock was rough..just straight bopping people upside the head with it was so great...if they tried to front on him.
I just felt Homey's pain and seen alot of similarities in myself. I even heard there was a movie in the works..but might be a little to late..but I would love to see it anyways. So I might have gotten off subject or may not even understand what I'm talking about. My family, friends, and krew..most likely will get a kick out of this one..because they'll be like..that's Myk all the way.LOL

I decided to leave you with one more classic.
since youtube deleted "When Homey Met Sally"
I got another for you..hopefully they don't delete this one.

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