Well, 2007 is almost over..and 2008 is in around the corner in a couple of hours or so. I do not make predictions, resolutions, pinky swear, mainly promises that I can't keep to my myself. I have done it before in the past, and everybody does this year and year out. The same crap.."oh I'm going to get in shape" or stop smoking, stop drinking, go to the doctor and get that rash looked at (you know who you are K.I.) I am just going to say, I'm looking forward to the new year and the things I want to accomplish in the year to come. I just have a lot of things I want to do a see take off and bang out in 08'. First off, I'm glad I am still alive for another year, tomorrow is not promised to you..so I'm thankful for that. My parents, my sister are doing well, and the rest of my family are doing well too..and I'm thankful for that also.
Even though I am so concerned about the well being of my family, my second concern are now my career endeavors that I have in the works. First off, Street Local is going to be banging..I can see it..really...and I'm so ready to get this thing cracking...I can taste it. I am thankful for Ryan and Al for including me in this experience, and I can't wait for the challenges. Ryan, Cory, Tim, Dustin, Myself, and Woodie on the co-sign(thanks dude)..oh it's on..believe me..I got crazy visions. The next thing is so like top secret..I can't say anything at all..DTA...it's hard not to say anything too. I still have some things to work out but, I am very hopeful for this opportunity too..and I'm not trying to jinx myself either. The next great opportunity to come up is to be a contributing writer on a up and coming magazine based out of Charlotte called BLU Magazine. My friend Camila Amortegui along with her brother Nico is running BLU, and it looks like such a good thing. I'm happy for her and hope she goes fuckin full blast at this thing. Blu will kill it, those Lotus Ladies got hella steez, they'll get busy no doubt.
My next one is really so important to me, is my right hand man, my man 100 grand, boyband, boykrew, Broken United FC, the reason why I even fuck with these beats..Steven Hart aka DJ Apex. I am so amped that my dawg is about to get busy for real on the ones and twos at a venue near you. Steven, I am so ready for you to give these brain dead, no soul having maw'fuckers some much needed pep in thier lives, I wanna see you in London dude..can I get that..shit..COOP son..WinterFest in March I'm talking about whole week in Miami shit!!!I'm talking about 530am still cranking out jams, fuck that shit..we are the Broken United FC..WE Got it dude!!
Next the Joneses...Henry and Aaron are about to get real big time soon too..Yeah I stepped away from the Brand in the early stages and there was no hard feeling on any parts. I feel that I am a better fit in Street Local anyways, but we are all fam so I got their back anyways till the end. I will make it to the 404/678 area code real soon too, I feel my time in the QC is done. I think it's time to move on to different things and opportunities..and I feel I need to be in that environment to get that fix. In no means is Q.C. slacking, but if you live here as long as I have..you'll understand..It's time for a change.
A quick shout out to folks that stand out real quick..Thanks to my boys Rex and Oak holding me down@ Rogue Status, Brett holding me down @ Estate LA, KhanArt Designs, my boy BlackSheep Skateshop owner Josh Frazier..love ya man for always holding me down, Michelle Kee doing her thang in modeling and design(babe I want you to go so far), Rashad Frazier going back to school for his Masters, My homegirl Lindsey starting a kid's line and a highend lingerie line also..(yeah it's like that). The Others(DJ D.R., Mattic, Madwreck) that stay in Europe doing big shows and shit, Reggie with Brave Benard, DJ Jamad doing his thang, Adam Huf(no relation) most likely is the new manager for Niche, Chase is now the manager for BlackSheep Skateshop..congrats to both my homiez, Omar and Jamaal, lets just move to ATL fuck it!!!
I just want people and myself to realize their gifts and capitalize on them and get paid and do the damn thang and strive and pursue these rainbows and dreams . To all those I didn't name I haven't forgot about you guys either, I'm just going off the top of my head. Anyways everybody do your thang in 08'lets get it!
(p.s. Donald come visit me dammit!!)
Street Local, Broken United FC, DTA, EstateLA, Blu Mag, BlackSheep SkateShop, Camden Crooks, BoyBand aka BoyKrew, Grande Click, Posse Love, Macks Only, First Rate Krew, Elementry Skool.
(yeah I'm in a lot of Crews and Clicks)
peace love yall.
Myk aka Michael E. Pate II