Pat Mccrory has been our Mayor in Charlotte since 1995, now this dude is running for mayor of North Carolina. I don't know about anybody else, I have been in the QC since 96'. Charlotte still has no identity, no culture, and the "Reaganomics" is in full effect. Police Chief scandals, police cappin' people, tearing down the low income housing and making high price condos. An over-budget light rail that only yuppies ride, plus it's on a side of town that people who don't need public transportation. The Light Rail is no where even close to being finished, the line is expected to cost $371 million. The I-485 "Outer Loop" is running $15-$20 million over budget per mile and is over 5 years behind schedule. Mccrory is always bragging about how we are #2 behind New York in Banking in the U.S., but we have a high homeless rate. I didn't even scratch the surface on shit thats going on in Charlotte.
Damn can't wait until I move out of North Carolina.
Yo, Pat in the words of a skit done by The Dave Chappelle Show..
IMAGE:Banktown U$A
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