This is the short version let's ride.

One side of Johnson C. Smith University

It may not look like it..this hill is steep as hell..pain in the ass going up.

Okay my legs are burning right now!

Ran into my homboy Photo Steve while he's working.

I forgot which Hellraiser this was in..but It was in the movie.

One of the quickest busts for skating in Charlotte

Yummy marble ledges

You can still manual better do it like 2 tries thou.

I think this is some Trump shit going up here..not sure.

Whatever..I'm an Oakland Raiders Fan 4 Life


oh more stop for Cory and Ryan.

I'm going to make sure you get this when you come back Mr. Acker

On the way back 5 o'clock traffic...peace out.

1 comment:
for some reason i just envisioned you looking similar to robin thicke in his very first video for "when i get you alone" riding around n.c.
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